ISY-99i/ISY-26 INSTEON:Creating a KeypadLinc LED Follow Program
If you want to have a KeypadLinc button LED be lit whenever one or more devices is on in the associated scene this is how you do it. And if you want to do it with more than one KeypadLinc button you can create the same set of programs for each button the KeypadLinc.
KeypadLinc Button Toggle Mode
For this type of KeypadLinc LED follow setup the KeypadLinc will need the Button Toggle Mode option set to "toggle" for each button that will be used.
This is the scene that we are going to use for this example that will be setup with the KeypadLinc button. To keep it simple the controllers are in red and the responders are in blue just as they are seen in the ISY Admin Console.
- Family Evening Scene
- Dining / Dining Hutch
- Family / Family Desk Spot
- Family / Family Main (A) Evening (KeypadLinc button)
- Family / Family Main (load)
- Family / Family Screen
- Kitchen / Kitchen Island
- Kitchen / Kitchen Main
- Kitchen / Kitchen Main (slave)
- Kitchen / Kitchen Pantry
- Kitchen / Kitchen Sink
We need to add the KeypadLinc button to a separate Scene as a responder so you can control the LED.
- Family Evening Scene LED
- Family / Family Main (A) Evening (KeypadLinc button)
Main Programs
These three programs are needed to complete the design. Program 1 is "watching" for the button to be pressed on the KeypadLinc. Program 2a is to decide if the LED should be on or off then set it accordingly. Program 2b is the Scene check that checks for any light being on in the Scene. This Scene check program is separate so it can be used in other programs as well.
Program 1: Family Main (A) Evening is Switched
This is an optional program for if you have the KPL buttons in non-toggle mode so it may be better to just run with them in toggle mode and not use this.
If Control 'Family / Family Main (A) Evening' is switched On Or Control 'Family / Family Main (A) Evening' is switched Off Or Control 'Family / Family Main (A) Evening' is switched Fast On Or Control 'Family / Family Main (A) Evening' is switched Fast Off Then Run Program 'Family Evening Scene Update LED' (If)
Program 2a: Family Evening Scene Update LED
If Program 'Any "Family Evening Scene" Devices On' is True Then Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KeypadLinc LEDs / Family Evening Scene LED' On Else Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'KeypadLinc LEDs / Family Evening Scene LED' Off
Program 2b: Any "Family Evening Scene" Devices On
If Status 'Dining / Dining Hutch' is not Off Or Status 'Family / Family Desk Spot' is not Off Or Status 'Family / Family Main (load)' is not Off Or Status 'Family / Family Screen' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen / Kitchen Island' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen / Kitchen Main' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen / Kitchen Main (slave)' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen / Kitchen Pantry' is not Off Or Status 'Kitchen / Kitchen Sink' is not Off
Optional Timer Program
This timer program is an example of another program that can share the "Any Scene Devices On" program. It is a sunset timer that only turns the lights on if there is no lights on in the scene. The idea is that someone already has on a light or two we should not change them.
Program: Family Evening On Timer
If Time is Sunset And Program 'Any "Family Evening Scene" Devices On' is False Then Set Scene 'Family / Family Evening Scene' On