Polisy Developers:ISY:API:Appendix:Status Names
Polisy_Developers : ISY : API : Appendix : Status Names
These are the names available for use as IDs for status entries in node definitions (i.e. <st> entries in the <sts> section of the nodedef).
<nodeDef id="Thermostat" nls="143"> <sts> <st id="ST" editor="I_TEMP_DEG" /> <st id="CLISPH" editor="I_CLISPH_DEG" /> <st id="CLISPC" editor="I_CLISPC_DEG" /> <st id="CLIMD" editor="I_TSTAT_MODE" /> <st id="CLIHCS" editor="I_TSTAT_HCS" /> </sts> ... </nodedef> |
ID | Description | Polisy Version Introduced |
ACCX | Acceleration X axis | |
ACCY | Acceleration Y axis | |
ACCZ | Acceleration Z axis | |
ADRPST | Auto DR Processing State | |
AIRFLOW | Air Flow | |
ALARM | An alarm occurred (values are different for each device type) | |
ANGLPOS | Angle Position | |
AQI | Air Quality Index | |
ATMPRES | Atmospheric Pressure | |
AWAKE | Awake | |
BARPRES | Barometric Pressure | |
BATLVL | Battery level | |
BEEP | Beep | |
BMAN | Deprecated - Use FDUP or FDDOWN | |
BMI | Body Mass Index | |
BMR | Basic Metabolic Rate | |
BONEM | Bone Mass | |
BPDIA | Blood pressure Diastolic | |
BPSYS | Blood pressure Systolic | |
BRT | Brighten | |
BUSY | Device is Busy | |
CC | Current Current | |
CH20 | Formaldehyde CH2O level | |
CLIEMD | Energy Mode | |
CLIFRS | Fan Running State | |
CLIFS | Fan Setting | |
CLIFSO | Fan Setting Override | |
CLIHCS | Heat/Cool State | |
CLIHUM | Humidity | |
CLIMD | Thermostat Mode | |
CLISMD | Schedule Mode | |
CLISPC | Cool Setpoint | |
CLISPH | Heat Setpoint | |
CLITEMP | Current Temperature | |
CO | Carbon Monoxide Level | |
CO2LVL | CO2 Level | |
CPW | Current Power Used | |
CTL | Controller Action | |
CV | Current Voltage | |
DELAY | Delay | |
DEWPT | Dew Point | |
DFOF | Fast Off | |
DFON | Fast On | |
DIM | Dim | |
DISTANC | Distance | |
DOF | Off | |
DOF3 | Off 3 Key Presses | |
DOF4 | Off 4 Key Presses | |
DOF5 | Off 5 Key Presses | |
DON | On | |
DON3 | On 3 Key Presses | |
DON4 | On 4 Key Presses | |
DON5 | On 5 Key Presses | |
DUR | Duration | |
ELECCON | Electrical Conductivity | |
ELECRES | Electrical Resistivity | |
ERR | Error | |
ETO | Evapotranspiration | |
FATM | Fat Mass | |
FDDOWN | Fade Down | |
FDSTOP | Fade Stop | |
FDUP | Fade Up | |
FREQ | Frequency | |
GPV | General Purpose Value | |
GUST | Gust | |
GV0 | Custom Control 0 | |
GV1 | Custom Control 1 | |
GV2 | Custom Control 2 | |
GV3 | Custom Control 3 | |
GV4 | Custom Control 4 | |
GV5 | Custom Control 5 | |
GV6 | Custom Control 6 | |
GV7 | Custom Control 7 | |
GV8 | Custom Control 8 | |
GV9 | Custom Control 9 | |
GV10 | Custom Control 10 | |
GV11 | Custom Control 11 | |
GV12 | Custom Control 12 | |
GV13 | Custom Control 13 | |
GV14 | Custom Control 14 | |
GV15 | Custom Control 15 | |
GV16 | Custom Control 16 | |
GV17 | Custom Control 17 | |
GV18 | Custom Control 18 | |
GV19 | Custom Control 19 | |
GV20 | Custom Control 20 | |
GV21 | Custom Control 21 | |
GV22 | Custom Control 22 | |
GV23 | Custom Control 23 | |
GV24 | Custom Control 24 | |
GV25 | Custom Control 25 | |
GV26 | Custom Control 26 | |
GV27 | Custom Control 27 | |
GV28 | Custom Control 28 | |
GV29 | Custom Control 29 | |
GV30 | Custom Control 30 | |
GVOL | Water Volume | |
HAIL | Hail | |
HEATIX | Heat Index | |
HR | Heart Rate | |
LUMIN | Luminance | |
METHANE | Methane Density | |
MODE | Mode | |
MOIST | Moisture | |
MOON | Moon Phase | |
MUSCLEM | Muscle Mass | |
OL | On Level | |
OZONE | Ozone | |
PF | Power Factor | |
PM10 | Particulate Matter 10 | |
PM25 | Particulate Matter 2.5 | |
POP | Percent chance of precipitation | |
PPW | Polarized Power Used | |
PRECIP | Precipitation | |
PULSCNT | Pulse Count | |
QUERY | Query Device | |
RADON | Radon concentration | |
RAINRT | Rain Rate | |
RELMOD | Relative modulation level | |
RESET | Reset values | |
RESPR | Respiratory rate | |
RFSS | RF Signal Strength | |
ROTATE | Rotation | |
RR | Ramp Rate | |
SECMD | Device secure mode | |
SEISINT | Seismic Intensity | |
SEISMAG | Seismic Magnitude | |
SMAN | Deprecated - Use FDSTOP | |
SMOKED | Smoke Density | |
SOILH | Soil Humidity | |
SOILR | Soil Reactivity | |
SOILS | Soil Salinity | |
SOILT | Soil Temperature | |
SOLRAD | Solar Radiation | |
SPEED | Velocity | |
ST | Status | |
SVOL | Sound Volume | |
TANKCAP | Tank Capacity | |
TBW | Total body water | |
TEMPEXH | Exhaust Temperature | |
TEMPOUT | Outside Temperature | |
TIDELVL | Tide Level | |
TIME | Time | |
TIMEREM | Time remaining | |
TPW | Total Power Used | |
UAC | Valid user access code entered | |
UOM | Unit | |
USRNUM | The user access code that associated with the most recent Alarm | |
UV | Ultraviolet | |
VOCLVL | Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) level | |
WATERF | Water Flow | |
WATERP | Water Pressure | |
WATERT | Water Temperature | |
WATERTB | Boiler Water Temperature | |
WATERTD | Domestic Hot Water Temperature | |
WEIGHT | Weight | |
WINDCH | Wind Chill | |
WINDDIR | Wind Direction | |
WVOL | Water Volume |